Today is the release day for WILD PRINCE! Get your copy of this fun and sexy story about a thief, a mystery, and fated mates.

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She looked him over slowly, considering her next move.
His face had that classic movie-star structure. Dark brows, haunted expression, as if he was thinking deep thoughts regarding how to save the world. His solid muscular body was thick in all the right spots, like his biceps and chest, narrowing in at the waist to trim hips, and she really wanted to slip her hands into his back pockets before rubbing herself all over him.
If she had a type, he was it.
A layer of scruff covered his chin, and she was tempted to reach over to see if it was soft or scratchy—she hadn’t met many shifters with facial hair.
He backed up slightly. “What’re you doing?”
Oops. She had moved forward on the hard, wooden seat, one hand lifted toward his face. It was too much fun to resist. “Wait. You have something right here…”
Her palm ghosted over his chin and cheek. Hmm, interesting. A combination of scratchy and soft. She wondered what it would feel like if he rubbed it over her skin—especially between her legs. She hummed in approval at the naughty thoughts.
He scrambled backward, the chair falling behind him as he shot to his feet. “Don’t do that.”
The sharp cut of pain in her chest was unfamiliar, and strong. Being underestimated she was used to.
Being run away from as if she were some kind of monster?
Dani fought back with sarcasm, folding her arms before she could stop herself. “I wanted to see what it felt like. I wasn’t going to hurt you.”
“Of course you weren’t. You’re a sweet, innocent girl—you can’t hurt me.”
Fury struck out of left field. Sweet and innocent?
Fuck. Him.
Dani shot to her feet. “You take that back.”
Confusion twisted his face. “You can hurt me?”
She wanted to stomp her foot, but wouldn’t, because—obvious reasons.