Vivian ArendVivian ArendVivian ArendVivian Arend

Another one bites the dust

The continuing story of publishing ins and outs.
1. Good news/bad news. The good news is I'm no longer on pins and needles waiting to hear if I made it into the Cowboy Anthology being put out by Samhain. Bad news is I didn't make it in.

I'm fine with the decision. I know I still have a ways to go as I improve as a writer and while Rocky Mountain Heat is a good story it's not perfect. The editor of the anthology made a few good comments about my work and passed the story over to my editor at Samhain.

This, I hear, is really good news because they don't usually do that. Stories submitted that don't make it don't get passed on. Hmmm. So back to pins and needles? Lol!

2. With this news I've got some decisions to make about future anthology calls. I -like- submitting for anthologies but they might not be the best in the long run. I'm kind of using up all my good karma since it's twice I've submitted to one and had my work passed on to another editor. Can lightning strike three times or more? Of course, if the book is good enough. But if the book is good enough then I should be able to simply submit it on it's own.

I'm pondering this since I'm in the midst of writing the water shifter, Tidal Wave, intending it for the shifter call due March 1st, 2009. But I'm sitting at 20K right now with a max of 30K allowed I might be crowding the story to try and fit it in. And I think the story would be fun to submit to Anne, my editor at Samhain.

3. I've been starting to think about release day and promoting Wolf Signs. It seems very early to even start since it's March 17 and a looooooooong time from now. But trying to arrange guest blog opportunities I've found slots already booked! So I've begun talking to a few people and will continue over the next couple of weeks. Once I have a few things lined up I'll stop worrying about it until Feb rolls around. If you're reading this and I can guest blog with you, let me know!! 🙂

4. I have to admit that right now I like the writing and the visiting with other writers/readers part the best of all the areas of publication. Even though every step has been fun, there's something incredible about turning back a page and seeing a story that -I've- written. And the people are amazing!

5. Final note- my husband finished reading Wolf Signs. He said he liked the wolf fight at the end the best. He's not into romance and I think the sex made him squirm. 🙂 So cheers to him for reading it!!

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16 years ago

Hey Viv,

I want to encourage you to keep going on the short story front. Your stories may be lending themselves to longer lengths, but if you really do want to send in more anthology submissions, Go For It!
I’ve never been a short story fan precisely because I don’t like when stories end. I wish they would all go on forever, but at the same time, stories that leave me wanting more make me recognize the author’s name, remember it, and go find out what else they’ve written to fill my newest craving.
Congrats on having your latest submission forwarded again, luv.



Viv Arend
Viv Arend
16 years ago


I sucked you out of the woodwork!

Thanks for posting, Karina. I’m thinking that overall I should just write and enjoy writing, and the length of the novels will fall where they will. The shorter ones are around 30K, but having to stop at that when the story would be better at 40K- I have to let them breath!

By the way, go check the Kootenay Nano thread, I issued an invitation to join the yahoo writers group we started last year after nano…

I want to see you there!


16 years ago

Viv, write it the way it feels complete to you.

If that’s too long for the anthology, it still gave you the impetus for what is probably a great book.

Do you sign up in advance saying that you are doing that, or just write something and then submit it?


Viv Arend
Viv Arend
16 years ago

Hey Sandie

There’s no pre sign up, so it’s not like breaking a commitment if you don’t submit a story.

I think your first point is key. I started Tidal Wave because of the call, but in the end the story asked for a lot more detail and I’m happy with how it’s turned out.

It’s actually one of my longest to date. Well, if I don’t count the 117K word monstrosity I wrote last Nov…


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