We’re closing in on the release day of ROCKY MOUNTAIN DEVIL, and to make sure you’re caught up on the Six Pack Ranch series, we’re going to go through the books that lead up to the new story. ROCKY MOUNTAIN DEVIL can be read alone, but it’s better for being a part of the whole!

Second chances are the sweetest—and the hottest.
It took a spectacularly embarrassing break-up to knock Steve Moonshine Coleman off his lazy butt. In the ten months since that night, he’s changed his ways. Now that Melody’s back in town, it’s time for this sweet-talking cowboy to convince her to get back in the saddle with him.
A return to her veterinary position in Rocky Mountain House was always in the cards for Melody Langley. Getting back together with Steve? Never part of the plan. He had lots of potential but zero ambition, and there’s no way she’ll accept anything less than a man who can keep up with her, in and out of bed.
But the new-and-improved cowboy is impossible to resist, so Melody issues a challenge. Three months to prove he’s reformed. Three months of Steve orchestrating one sexual indulgence after another—wicked distractions from the old boys’ club Melody faces at work and Steve’s growing responsibilities.
He’s got one shot to prove with more than words what’s in his heart and soul.
Warning: Fifty percent less angst, twice as much filthy-talking, dirty-daring cowboy. Get ready for a whole lot of make-your-knees-weak wooing from a man intent on proving he’s got what it takes, and the woman ready to push him way past his limits.
“I want to see you again,” Steve blurted out.
Maybe if she’d never imagined hearing those words this would’ve been more awkward, but she’d had enough time to think it over. Melody had prepared for every possibility when she’d decided to return to Rocky Mountain House, even this one.
Prepared, and planned to enjoy it.
She kept walking. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I don’t think we had an actual relationship, not one that I’m interested in rekindling.”
“I get that. I told you I was a fool, but I’ve changed. I want a chance to prove it.”
“Prove it?” A burst of laughter escaped before she could stop it. “Steve, when we were dating, half the time you didn’t know what day it was. And I don’t even know that I want to call it dating. More like conveniently seeing each other when it worked out. That part wasn’t just your fault. I’ll take some of the blame, because I was damn busy with my job.”
“We were both busy, but that doesn’t give me an excuse for being a shit. It also doesn’t have anything to do with what I’m talking about right now.”
Melody jerked to a halt so she could toss him her most disdainful expression. “What happened between us a year ago, and more? How does that have nothing to do with the fact you want to see me again? You’re not making any sense.”
His lips twitched upward as his gaze drifted over her, his attraction apparent. “Let’s start with a clean slate. Hi, you must be the new vet in town. I’m Steve Coleman, and you’re going to be seeing a lot of me.”
Unbelievable. And yet…interesting. The old Steve would have joked around, but never with that intense focus as if he was prepared to actually do something if she argued with him. “Well, it appears you’ve grown some balls since the last time we met, but I don’t know that it’s enough.”
“Trust me, I’ve got the balls, for many things.”
She shook her head, clicking her tongue as if in disbelief. “If that was some sly reference toward your sexual prowess? There’s another place you’re mistaken. I’ll give you points for knowing where to find a woman’s clit, and I had more than a few orgasms with you—thanks for them, by the way.”
His grin broadened, and she was almost reluctant to deliver the killing blow.
“But, Steve? I’m afraid you’re just too vanilla for me.”
Melody spun on her heel and marched away, her own grin breaking free as he stood frozen on the spot behind her, sputtering in response. She kept walking, catching hold of her door and quickly crawling into the borrowed beast.
She got the door shut before he caught up with her, but there was no way she could ignore him. Steve stood inches from her closed door, his expression folded into a frown until she relented and rolled down her window.
He started in right away before she could speak, his utter shock apparent. “Too vanilla for you?”
Melody answered briskly. “I found out a few things about myself while I was away at school this year. So, I’m glad we’re going to be friends, and I look forward to working with the Colemans now that I’m back, but that’s pretty much all us time is going to be. Have a nice day.”
She put the truck in drive and left him standing in the dirt, containing her laughter until she was on the main highway and headed for home.
This was where the Steve she’d known would saunter back to the party and forget about her. Oh, maybe he’d give a few moments’ thought to challenging her comments, but then something would distract him, and the next time they met? It would be as if this conversation had never happened. He’d ask her out again, she’d turn him down.
Eventually he’d get bored and move on. It was sad, but inevitable.
Except…the flash of fire she’d seen in his eyes in her rearview mirror as she drove away wasn’t familiar. Something fluttered in her belly, and she wondered if maybe she’d poked a little too hard.
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