I've taken off the past six months as I traveled, but it's time to get back into the swing of things! Snippet Saturday is the brainchild of Lauren Dane, and there's a group of authors who on a weekly basis post a snippet from one of their stories based on a common theme.
I love the way the different authors interpret the themes at times. It's a good chance to discover new books, or be reminded of old favorites. I hope you'll start returning regularly to enjoy a snippet and then visit the other blogs as well. It's a great Saturday morning coffee activity!
Just for fun, I'm going to post a snippet today, for practice. 😛 Using my own theme of ‘Returning to old friends'. From Stormy Seduction.

Sensual water shifters meet volatile air shifters—there’s a storm coming.
Pacific Passion, Book 2
As morning-afters go, this one is looking pretty bright. Both air shifter Laurin Marshal and water shifter/shaman Matthew Jentry are aware, though, that trouble won’t be long in coming. And they’re right—before they’ve barely begun to work out the details of their mystical bond, the People of the Air find them to challenge Laurin’s right to choose Matt as her mate.Fending off Laurin’s would-be suitors is easier than Matt anticipated, but there’s another dilemma still to face. His own people. Laurin is just beginning to trust that his heart and body are completely hers, a radical change after she’s spent the past two years alone and on the run. What will happen when his skittish, innocent partner encounters the playful, sensual—even lusty—ways of the Otter Clan?
Especially since they are arriving at the peak of the traditional summer solstice fertility rituals. And tradition demands they be the main attraction…
Incoming extreme passion yielding one otherworldly adventure. Don’t let the book length fool you—there’s enough heat in this story to challenge global warming. Four plus two equals one ceremony so explosive it may throw the earth off its axis.
The heavy mooring rope thudded onto the deck, followed by the landing of a dozen feet. Matt wiped his smile from his face. The otter clan did nothing without a full contingency of supporters. Even now he saw the official greeting committee waiting on the dock. The entire clan must have turned out.
“Matt!” A pair of arms wrapped themselves around his neck followed by hard slaps to his back. He twisted to look into the eyes of a close friend from his university days.
“James, you devil. What are you doing here?” Matt gave him a quick hug. James had switched tracks from medicine to pure science, and Matt hadn’t seen him in months.
His friend grinned. “If I need to research algae, can’t I at least do it in the comfort of my own clan’s territory?”
Damn, it was good to see him again. Matt snorted. “I suppose. Personally, I think if you’re going to study algae you should have your head examined.”
James punched him good-naturedly in the shoulder. His gaze darted past Matt, and his eyes widened. He whistled softly. “Excuse me, mate. Angel needing assistance.”
The other man snuck around him before Matt figured out what had caught his friend’s attention. When he did turn, a string of curse words rose to his lips and he bit them back in rush. Laurin had gone below to grab her bag and had just appeared up the steps into the full sun of the late afternoon. Her blonde hair shone in the light like a halo, her pretty face and tidy dress drawing attention to her trim body and firm breasts.
The otter folk clambered around the ship deck, fastening the Stormchild to the pier, grabbing medical supplies from the cargo section, and generally snooping into everything. Through the chaos, all Matt saw was James hanging over Laurin like a lovesick sea cow.
He should have expected this to happen. Of all the clans, the otter folk were the most blatant in their sexual appetites. Not that any of the People of the Sea were shy, but the otters—they took the whole definition of sensual to new levels.
“Thank you, but no.” Laurin twisted James away and pushed between his shoulder blades to direct him toward the pier.
“Troubles?” Matt called, fighting his way through the extra bodies on the deck to her side. It was hard to believe they’d been the only two on the ship ten minutes ago. It felt like forever since they been alone.
Especially when she turned and gave him that look—the one that said she had something very naughty in mind. He concentrated on keeping his body in control. He did not want to sport a massive hard-on when he met the greeting committee currently marching toward them. It could be too easily misconstrued, and he didn’t need any immediate offers of “servicing” from one of the many willing volunteers.
A cool breeze floated past his mind—that light touch he was beginning to associate with Laurin’s connection with him as a Hawáte. She winked, then smiled sweetly. Damn, he was going to paddle her butt. She knew what she was doing to him.
He cleared his throat and focused on the issue at hand—his friend, who was as close to a sexual bomb as anyone could possibly be. Matt stared pointedly at James. “Laurin? You having trouble with anything? Anyone?”
Even as she shook her head, she pushed James’s hand off her shoulder. “No, no troubles in particular. Why would you ask?” She tugged James’s fingers off her waist.
James pressed against her back and leered over her shoulder, not even attempting to hide the fact he was peeking down the front of her shirt. “I’ve missed you, sweet teacher. I’m longing for more advanced lessons than you gave me last time you visited.”
More? What the hell had the bastard done with her? Matt shoved James away and tucked Laurin against his side. He glared hard, sending out all the warning signals he could. “There will be only lessons in pain if you try to seduce my woman.”
James froze. “Really? She’s with you?”
Matt nodded, thankful for once Laurin added nothing in response. “Really.”
The otter shifter held up a hand. “No worries then, mate.” He paused for all of two seconds before his face brightened. “Of course, if you need a third, you know where to find me.”
The man just didn’t give up. Matt pulled Laurin toward the pier. She leaned closer to whisper in his ear. “Third? You’ve been doing kinky things I need to know about?”
Sweet Jesus. That was exactly the kind of question he wanted to avoid having to answer with a full formal greeting about to occur.
Although—this was the otter clan, and he had his suspicions about exactly how this greeting was about to run. Could she really not know what to expect? “I thought you said you’d visited here before.”
She grinned. “Well, since you’re aware James already propositioned me, you should know the answer to that one.”
Any response he would have made was lost as the rest of the clan moved forward to greet them.
Ebook available: Samhain | Amazon | Barnes & Noble
See you next week!
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