I promised, here it comes. 🙂
When I signed my first contract just over a year ago I flapped around for a while and then slowly started to figure this business out. Slowly. That's what happens when a piano falls on your head, it takes a while to shake off the shock and get rolling.
I started a blog. I set up a website. I joined the Samhain Cafe and started to chat with people. I deliberately didn't set up a yahoo group. Partly because I figured who in the world would want to hang out with me, and partly because I just didn't have time.
But a cool thing happened on the way past publication. I met some awesome ladies, and together we established International Heat, back in March.
We're going one step farther. Today, you can join Heat Wave Readers, a yahoo group with a difference. We're not trying to be another place to chat, since there are a ton of sites you can do that already. This is a place to get the inside track on new releases, hear about what we're working on, and get exclusive contests just for Heat Wave Readers.
To start off, we've got a whole month of goodies planned, including a truly awesome grand prize. I've been playing with the prizes. Remember? And seriously–WOW–there are eight published writers in the house. That's a lot of books to be able to give away!!
So if you're interested, the place to head is Heat Wave Readers. You'll want to check back all month long as there will be week long contests, drop in ones and the Grand Prize handed out November 1st.
Wasn't that a nice surprise? And it goes so well with my shiny new website!!
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