Today we are featuring WOLF LINE! Are you a fan of sexy paranormal romances? What about the fated mates trope? If so, you need to try WOLF LINE!
“Hi.” His gaze dropped to her lips and he outlined them again. “You taste good.”
A growl broke loose unintentionally and his grin widened.Yeah, the slow was nice, but she wanted more than nice. She wanted some screaming and stomping and…
She leaned down and kissed his neck, and this time he was the one who rumbled. She nipped lightly, and he snapped upright a foot, strong abdominal muscles under her shooting them both vertical. “Oh God, woman. You ready for this?”
“For my mate?” Keri’s brain wasn’t attached to anything but the sensual points of her body. “Is anyone? You worried?”
“No. I’m yours, you’re mine. I’m free and clear, and well over twenty-one and if I’m not inside you in about thirty seconds I’m going to die.” He followed up by digging his teeth into her neck and pinning her in place while he stripped off her bra.
Thirty seconds were going to be far too long,
“I’m yours. I know you thought—” Oh hell, he ripped her panties apart at the hip, and suddenly explaining that Chad wasn’t really a boyfriend slipped off the agenda and flashed to ashes faster than taking a blow torch to a scrap of floss

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