Do you love the best friend's little sister trope? How about a sexy romance? If so, you need to read LOVE IS A BATTLEFIELD.

Sudden warmth rushed through her at his absolute attention. Fine. It was obvious she wasn’t going to be able to change his mind. “Then here’s my counteroffer. You talk to Parker, and I get to be in charge.”
A snort of disbelief escaped him. “Right. Like that’s ever going to happen. Sorry, Candy Cane, but I’m not the type to jump if you start issuing orders.”
Stubborn ass. He wasn’t lying, but then, she already knew ways to make him burn. “You expect to call all the shots? Like that’s ever going to happen,” she echoed his words. “Or, maybe in the bedroom. If you’re any good.”
That intense heat was back in his eyes. Nuclear destruction in three, two, one…
“Am I any good in the bedroom? I don’t know, Pepper. You tell me. Am I a decent kisser?” He paused, just long enough for her to remember the devastation his lips had caused. “Now imagine my mouth all over your body. On the curve of your neck, on your breasts. Dropping over the smooth slope of your belly until I’m between your legs, kissing you until you can’t breathe without gasping my name.”
A whimper snuck out before she could stop it.
He cupped her face again, stroking his thumb over her cheek. “Stop driving us both mad and get in the house. I’ll give you a call tomorrow.”
Pepper didn’t tease for another kiss because she didn’t think she could take it, not without changing her mind and begging him to change his. She got out of the car and headed to the house.
All the time intensely aware that Jack was watching her.
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