Another post wherein I write five different versions, erase them all and throw my hands up in exasperation and simply don't post. I'll try to be brave and struggle on this time.
First, let me explain about the writing/erasing/not posting business. I'm an author. People come to my site for one of a few reasons (I assume). Because:
1-they've read one/some of my books and liked them. Want to find out more/what's next.
2-they've read one of my books (all it seems to take is one) and want to know where to send the bombs/ prayers for my misbegotten soul/ ‘how to write' lessons.
3-they're authors themselves who know and like/or dislike me and want to see what I'm up to.
When I feel the urge to write about something generally writerly, I figure the people in category one MIGHT be interested, but probably not. The category two are too busy correcting my grammar for me to worry about them, and the category three? Well, it's back to what works for one person might not work for another. So sharing my opinion about how I write a book, what I think about reviews…whatever…it's ALL subjective and I don't ever want to piss someone off unintentionally.
So– this is shared for whoever is interested from MY perspective and my reality right now. People who do things differently than I do are not evil, twisted, stupid, amazing, wonderful or otherwise anything but doing things differently than me. Opinions stated below are subject to change, not valid on alternative Saturdays in the winter, eat your veggies.
On to the main topic: SOCIAL MEDIA
I'm not the queen of social media. Face it. I've been on the road, living in a camper for more than 9 months now. I've had lousy internet for most of the time and in order to maintain my writing–ie the actual stuff I do that makes me an author? I've cut back on a ton of stuff.
Yahoo groups, which I simply loved when I was starting out, have been cut to basically nothing except when I'm being bad and procrastinating. It's not that I don't enjoy talking to people at Yahoo groups, but I find the format so slow. Finding the threads that interest me/pertain to me, reading through all the comments: when I have 15 minutes in a MacDonalds to get ‘caught up', yahoogroups don't work. They did work at one time. Things change.
Facebook. Part of me wishes I was more into Facebook. I have an author page, but I'm terrible at posting there. It seems so much like another blog to me, and while I see the value, and I know there are a TON of people on Facebook, honestly? It's icky work for me to go there. Sorry, Facebook lovers.
My blog– as I said, people coming here should be here because they want to be. 😉 When I have time, I find this a little like a diary (mid-month updates and new cover reveals) I actually enjoy blogging, so when I can, I do it.
Other blogs: back to the time issue. I have some author friends who I read their blogs. I have reviewer friends who I drop by their blogs. I'll link off a tweet occasionnally and drop in at a new blog. But the key things seem to be FRIENDS or INTEREST, ie the tweet about an article that catches my eye. It's rarely the tweet about ‘I got an awesome review!!' that I link through to read. Because…yeah, I want to be writing. I mean, I'm happy people got a good review. I'm happy that they have a new book out. But I'm not the target market for promo blitzes. Seriously. I don't usually have the time.
So back to social media, there's also IM. I have about a dozen names on mine, and I talk to Bree of Moira Rogers almost every day. But other than that? It's occasional. To say hello. To scream in private about a frustration. To bounce ideas off people. I consider it the equivalent of my phone. One on one mostly, and it's very much me time.
And finally, (although I know there are a ton more), Twitter. If IM is a phone call, then Twitter is my water cooler. I go there to say hello, see what's hapening, laugh a little, get recharged. Maybe get challenged to do a writing sprint or something. I personally do not see twitter as a promo tool. I hear some people use it as one. I usually unfollow them pretty damn fast. No, I'm kidding. I know some people DO use it well. Now, I -do- occasionally RT an awesome review. Or one that makes me LOL. Or a super ranking/sales info. I do that for the things I think my friends would be interested in seeing.
But when someone #FF me? I love it to pieces and I'll always try to tweet you back to let you know that. Or if you tell me you loved a book. I'll say thanks. Because if we were in person, that's what I'd do. I wouldn't turn you around by the watercooler, wrap my arm around and SHOUT into the office. “THANKS, FOR LOVING MY BOOK.”RT>@twitterreader, Just finished reading your story: Were-slugs Of Eternity. It was awesome!”
And if you don't know what I'm talking about, don't worry. That was my momentary rant 😀 (this is when I usually erase posts because I figure I've managed to offend SOMEone by now.)
Key point I'm trying to make: Use what works for you.
I'm not about to start announcing XYZ a million times on release day on twitter because a) either the people there are already my readers and other than a momentary SQUEAL on my part, they don't need more to know the next book is coming out/out already or they are b) author friends and I'm not promoing to them– I want them to stay friends.
Social Media is what YOU need, when you need. I might change what I do once I'm settled more, but right now? This is what works-and what HAS to work. If you're an author, don't just do what everyone else says you have to do. Try it, discard it, make it your own.
***Note. I'm not saying you're a terrible person if you DO retweet reviews. I'm not saying you're silly to post promo…yada yada yada. Disclaimers all over. But promo on twitter/etc is just not what -I- want to do. And if there's even one person out there like me whose skin crawls every time they even THINK about RTing a review–know you are not alone.
If I'm doing it wrong, I'm fine with that. I'm happy.
And if you're a reader or an author and not following me on Twitter, I'd love to see you there. Trust me– no promo blitzes. Just chatting. 😀
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were-slugs? Now that does sound interesting 😉
And I think your a great twitterperson to stalk :-p
You like my weird shifters, don’t you? 😉
You like my weird shifters, don’t you? 😉
Not at all. They know how to hide from the Zombies. Nothing weird about that. Were-slugs, on the other hand, leave a trail that gets them into BIG trouble, fast.
You have a point there. Doesn’t help that they’re not very speedy either.
Thats original!
I’m offended that you assume I don’t eat my veggies. 😉 (kidding! LOL)
Seriously – people need to just chill about the whole social media thing. There are just too many “rules” running around on how to/how not to use the internet/parts of the internet. I say do what works for you, others should do what works for them, and if you don’t like what someone else is doing, unfollow, unfriend, hide, block, or whatever – don’t connect with those who drive you nuts.
It’s really not nearly as hard as people seem to want to make it, IMO. There’s room for all types.
And there’s my little rant for the morning. 😉
EXACTLY. I love you, Jamie! 😉
And yeah, I totally block peeps, because you know what? Life’s too short!
I figured someone else knowing I don’t do it all might help!