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First up on the stay at home Friends of the Wolfies giveaway: Lauren Dane, whose wonderful shifter books are inspiring and always exciting.
REVELATION: Book 2 de La Vega Cats
He has the one thing she never thought she deserved. A place to belong…
At long last, Kendra Kellogg has found her sister—but she’s no closer to filling the gaps in her past. The magick that brought them together makes them targets for dark mages intent on finishing what started with their mother’s murder.
As if her life wasn’t chaotic enough, in barrels the one thing she doesn’t expect, Max de La Vega. He’s six-and-a-half-feet of cocoa-brown alpha male. He’s strong, intelligent, sexy and intense. Everything she’d wanted in a man. And he scares the hell out of her. Still healing from a disastrous past relationship, she wonders if she’ll ever have that kind of forever.
The next in line to run his jaguar jamboree, Max is unused to hearing “no”. Once he knows what he wants, he assumes he’ll get it. And he wants Kendra. She deserves happiness and it’s his mission to give it to her.
When dark mages attempt to steal her magickal energy, Max’s cat agrees with the man—Kendra is his to protect and he will stop at nothing to keep her safe. She can push him away as hard as she likes, he’s not going anywhere.
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Leave a comment for a chance to win a signed PRINT copy of REVELATION. Answer the question: Shifters: Big cats, wolves, bears, or a mixture of them all? Which do you like best?
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Great cover! and I love the blurb, and the alpha male who knows what he wants and goes after it! :o) Thanks for sharing
I love reading about all shifters but my all time favorite shifter is wolves.
sstrode at scrtc dot com
I absolutely LOVE this story/series!!
To answer your question …. I like them all. But usually I have mood swings about when I want to read the different types of shifters. However, since there are so many wolf shifter books out, I do like to read about the Big cats and bears more so. Gotta love the Alpha males!! =0)
How can you make me choose lol. If pushed I think the big cats will win with me but I love all shifter stories.
I would say big cats and wolves overall, but as long as the character was well written, I’d probably like any shifter stories…..maybe not wererats.
I love them all .
I’ve explored other shifter books but my favorite is definately the wolves. Even in reality they are the most amazing animals.
As no one ever writes about pig shifters I will go for any kind of shifter I can find.
I love all different kinds of shifters, I have a bit of a thing for dragons but I also love the big cats and of course wolf shifters were the first ones I came across so I’ll always have a soft spot for them too 🙂
Lauren rocks!! I have read Revelation 7 or 8 times. 😀
I like shifter stories of all kinds. I like that Shelly Laurentston has all kinds of shifters in her books trying to get along. I love the idea of The Pack in the Ilona Andrews Kate Daniels world. As for a fave, it’s a toss up between wolves and big cats. I read a story with wolf shifters and yeah, that’s my fave. Then I read a cat shifter book and yeah, that’ll do it! So, I guess when those two are combined like in Dana Marie Bell’s world, etc. then I’m in reader heaven. 😀
Ooh, you’re gonna be happy with the Takhini books, then! Lots more shifters joining the party. 😀
Yay! Fan girl squeeeeee! 😀 Of course, I’m looking forward to Black Gold anyway, but now I’m gonna love it even more. Tease!! 😀
How can I choose. I love reading shifter stories of all kinds. I do tend to read more dealing with wolves and big cats though.
I would say for me wolves lead the pack, but I do like other shifters as well! 😀
I like reading them all, but tend to lean toward the wolves. Enjoyed reading the blurb and the cover is pretty hot!
I’m all for the big cat shifters. After reading THE MANE EVENT by Shelly Laurenston and “meeting” Curran from Ilona Andrews KATE DANIELS series, how could I not love the lions?
I like a mixture of them all.But my favorite would be wolves.
I love shifters of all Kinds. I agree with Louise. Any books (the hotter the better) with shifters in them are A-OK with me. I love the Shelly Laurenston books because she has different shifters in them, including hybrids. I do love Lauren,s shifter books. I have all of the Cascadia Wolves and I also have the DeLaVega Cats too. I am waiting for my favorite authors (hint hint hint) to write some books with Dragon shifters in them.
I LOVE ALL, shifters are all great, but I have to say I love one particular bear shifter in the Shelly Laurenston series best of all! (He lays on his back and plays with his toes to relax!)
Love the blurb! I’m super intrigued by it. As to shifters, I LOVE all the ones you mentioned. Many of the books I read though tend to have wolf shifters, so I guess I have a bit of a soft spot for them.
Hi, This sounds amazing!!! I am a sucker for shifters especially wolves but I am getting into alot of other “species” as well. I love a good shifter story 🙂
I have a soft spot for all shifers, but wolves were my first and remain my go to! Thanks for the great stories!
I like reading about all of the shifters. If I HAD to choose, it would be big cat shifters.
I loves shifters….there’s nothing like a Big Bad Wolf 😉
I love Lauren Dane and have this book already 🙂 Re shifters I’m not fussy almost any will do 😉 Most partial to wolfies, big cats and would love for someone to have some horse shifters.
I love series of books that include shifters of different kinds (wolves, cats, bears, etc). As long as the characters are unique and the stories well written, I will read about any type of shifter.
I like to read books that include all kinds of shifters . I think I’m actually starting to favor stories with bear shifters because there are not that many but still love my wolves and big cats.
I love all kinds of shifters. But if I had to pick a favorite it would be big cats.
I don’t have one favorite, Viv–in the hands of the right author, they’re all awesome characters! Can’t wait for your Takhinis!
I love all shifters but Wolves are my top favorite then bog cats ,bears,others.I love reading about an alhpa wolf hero.
I love all shifter but I don’t normally like cat shifters as much as most of the others. Of course, there are exceptions to every rule!
I think my favorites are wolves and big cats.
Love all predator shifters but have a special place just for wolf shifters.
Happy Wolfie Day!
I really like the sound of Revelation. An alpha male always come in handy during times of crisis…or they can be the cause of it! 😉
…And my favourite shifters so far are wolves.
My favorites are wolves and big cats.
spamscape [at] gmail [dot] com
I love a mixture of shifters.
My favorite shifters would have to be wolves, but Big Cats are amazing too.
REVELATION sounds amazing. I prefer the big cats. I think they are magnificent animals. But I love all kinds of shifters.
Thanks for the giveaway!
Why do I have to choose?!? So hard! I love ’em all!
I love Shifters of all kinds also. Love Panthers but tend to read more Wolfie stories. 🙂 Love those sexy Alphas. I enjoyed the excerpt as well. Like the cover too.
Carol L
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com
I would say a mixture of them all! I love that different animal shifters can bring different attributes to the table, so it keeps things interesting. But if I have to choose a favourite, then I would probably say big cats and wolves 🙂
I don’t descriminate when it comes to shifters, although I am partial to wolves and the big cats. Thanks for the giveaway!
msmjb65 AT gmail DOT com
I love Lauren Dane’s books! They are always so steamy and get me hot really quick. I love her alpha male heroes. Would love to read Revelation!
I like the mixture. I like when they are all in a series and joke with eachother about what species is better. Sherrilyn Kenyon has them all in her Dark Hunter series. Nalini Singh has wolves and cats in her Psy/Changling series. There are more but they are my favorite examples.
I love all of those types of shifters, but my favorite are the big cats.
I guess I’m a traditionalist… wolves all the way! However, any animal type is ok w/ me as long as it’s done in a believable way. Shapeshifters into say ferrets or cows or something like that just makes me laugh….
I would have to say that my faves would be wolves and the big cats, but I have read several really well written characters who shift into other animals. A great author could make a wonderful character out of even a mouse shifter if written right, though maybe not as the alpha male in the story, lol. 🙂
I like a mixture of all as long as the story is well written, but if I have to choose it’ll be big cats.
I like them all but my favorite would be wolves because they are warm and fuzzy/comfy
and the big cats because they are so sleek and sensuous.
I love shifters. My favorites are big cats, dragons, and wolves.
Love shifter stories but the wolfies are my favorite above all others.
It’s that wolf thing. Love them, adore them and their just plain alpha…*S*
Love your tour although I got a late start.
Thank you!