Easy Peesey contest. Add a comment to this post, and I'll pick a couple names to get a copy of Turn It Up. It's out Feb 8, so I'll let this run for a week or so (as my internet access allows-lol!) If you click the cover pic, there's a link to the excerpt page and the first chapter of the book.

She wants it. He’s got it…and a whole lot more.
Turner Twins, Book Two
Maxwell Turner considers his stubborn and resourceful attitude a plus. After all, it usually gets him what he wants—except for Natasha Bellingham. The long-time family friend may be ten years older than he, but so what? He’s plenty old enough to know they belong together. Now all he has to do is convince her.
Over the past few years Natasha’s love life has degenerated into a series of bad clichés. Her biological clock is ticking—loudly. As a proven architect with her own house-design company, she’s financially ready for a baby. Who says she needs a permanent man in her life for that? She just needs a “donation”.
When Max discovers Natasha’s future plans include artificial insemination, he’s outraged. She wants to get pregnant? No problem. He’s more than willing to volunteer—no turkey basters involved .
But there’s one non-negotiable clause: He wants forever. And he intends to do everything in his power—fair and unfair—to make it happen.
Warning: This title contains one younger man ready, aimed and hell bent on giving one woman everything she wants. Includes interludes against the wall, in a Jacuzzi, on a car hood and even—shockingly enough—on a bed or two. Oh, and about that porch swing? Yup…
Here's some questions you can to answer in the comments. Pick at least one, and yeah, if you don't answer, it doesn't count. I'm mean… 😉
Turn it Up is book 2, but in timeline, it actually happens before book 1. Readers–what do I do? Recommend you read 2 first, then one, or would the purists read book 1 first because it was written first? How do you feel about prequels anyway? Have you read Turn It On already?
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I LOVE prequels! To me it’s the opportunity to get “more” from a series I love, that I might be pining away for. 🙂 And I would think that it’s a great opportunity for an author to add to a story if their characters are talking to them after a series is already in progress.
Oh, and I have not read book 1, so it wouldn’t matter to me which I read first probably.
Loved the first Turner Twins book. I want!!
Haven’t read Turn It On. I’ve read your Granite Lake Wolves Series, but haven’t read this one.
Prequels are fine as long as they are consistent with the stories.
hey, i LOVE your books. thank heavens for the website and for facebook so i don’t miss any when they come out. 😀
oh, and i am a purist. i like to read them in the order they were written if i can. 🙂
I already read Book 1 and if I would have known I would have waited. But that is just because I am now going to want to read about book 2 and see snippets of the past couple. But either way I am still excited! Oh and please enter me! 🙂
Very excited for this book!! Book 1 is on my TBR list, but I love prequels and I have no issues with reading out of order.
I love your books! I have to say I’ll read them as they are released, but if I re-read a series I would read them in order (book 2 first). Can’t wait to get this one!
Loved book #1 and have been waiting for book 2. YEAH!!!!! Can’t wait!!
I love prequels. If I have not read anything in a series yet, I will read the prequel first. If I have read the series, then I read the prequel and reread the series. I have not yet read Turn It On. I’m in the middle of Falling, Freestyle. I’m not a skier now though I did ski a little in high school and I’m very much enjoying the snow and the speed vicariously. 🙂 Also the romance part of the story, of course! 😉
Hmm…typically I’m a purist – I like to read a series in order. But sometimes, if I come in during the middle of a series, I’ll read the new release first and then decide if I want to read the previous books. And if I had a choice, I’d want a “sequel” book instead of a “prequel” book. I like revisiting characters I’ve already met and seeing how they’ve come along. But since since this prequel has different main characters, I’m pretty excited about it!
Loved the first Turner book, and I can’t wait for the second!
I’ve already read book 1 and I have no issues reading out of order. I love prequels even if they come out later. 🙂 If you want to “warn” readers, you can just give them the facts: the events in book 2 happen first. That way timeline purists can make their own decisions.
Wow! So hot I’m sweating. Who needs exercise, I can work up a sweat just reading this 🙂
This book sounds really good.I like prequels. I would read book 1 first then this one. I have to read in order no matter what.
I would love a copy! This looks really good!
I usually like to read in order, but since I haven’t read book 1 yet, I could be persuaded to read them out of order. I like series, and enjoy sequels, prequels or any other quels!
I have already read this since I won an ARC and I have to say it totally ROCKS!! I am very picky about my story endings and the only word I could think of for this one was “perfect”.
Having said that, I would read this book first, and then read the first book second. While I like to keep my stories in order when I read series, it seems to me that these were just written in the wrong order! LOL I have the first book waiting here to read, and i just think it makes more sense to read them in chronological order for this set of book instead of in series order.
Don’t count me in for this contest, as I already have one! 😀
And thanks again.
Thank you, Susan. I’m smiling hard right now at your sweet words!
I’m okay with reading books out of order. I do it all the time when I go back to re-read series. Sometimes its fun knowing where the characters end up even if you haven’t read about their journey yet. I haven’t read the first Turner Twins book though but I LOVE your books. I must have read the Granite Lake Wolves series at least 5 times and I’m still not done yet!
I always recommend the prequels or book 1 to be read first when I’m suggesting a new author to a friend. I never mind a PQ since ideas are so fickle-they come when they come! :0) I just typically like to read from the “beginning” of a story first. If that means I have to wait a month for a PQ to be released before reading book “2” then I will. I find I usually enjoy the story more than going backwards! If I pick up a book and don’t know it’s in a series (sometimes they aren’t clearly linked on an author’s site 🙁 which can be frustrating) I will either put it down mid book (when I discover the series connection-which is difficult) or I will finish it and go all the way back to the beginning and eventually re-read the book in it’s order. I love a series but they can be hard to figure out sometimes!
My question to you is…if this is book 1 but is listed on the cover as book 2, who decideds that and how? It seems confusing to me and I can’t figure out how you guys figure it out! LOL
Can’t wait for this release! Looks like another of your great ones! Thanks for the great question!
Kirsten, the numbering of a series almost always happens based on publication date. When Turn It On was being placed at stores, I already had started plans for this book, so the publisher went with book 1 on THAT book.
O_o I know…
So what I think I will do is make sure on the series page, and on the individual pages here on my blog, I’ll add a chronological note, like you and Sharon M suggested.
Well, I kinda don’t think that way. I can understand that the story may come you after the fact. It always nice to see the before – if there is one. I just love hearing about the characters, no matter there order, lol. Although…. I have to speak as an OCD person, I can’t stand to read out of order, lol. Sorry. I had to to go there.
Thanks for such a great giveaway!
I love prequels. I love reading in timelines so if the events in book 2 happen first then I would hopefully read that first. Then enjoy book 1.
I like prequels although I usually end up going back and reading the “second” book again after the prequel…I’m anal that way. Read the blurb for the 1st Turner Twins book and just downloaded it to my Kindle!
I read Turn It On when it first came out and then won an ARC of Turn It Up. I’m normally a purist, but I didn’t mind the out of order thing.
If I had my choice, I would read Turn It Up first. But again, it wasn’t horrible to read Turn It On first. I did go back and reread Turn It On after I finished Turn It Up, which was not a hardship at all.
Should have added – Don’t enter me in the contest because I already have the ARC and loved it!
I am not picky about order as long as I go back and read them over again in order later… prequels are fun… 😀
Unless I would miss something in a book it really wouldn’t matter to me which book I read first. I read books out of order all of the time. I love Prequels and always read them.
Wow crazy. I wrote yesterday but it never showed up. Oh well.
I normally don’t mind jumping around in a series as long as I’m not missing out on something pivotal. I actually love reading prequels because it usually lets me see the characters in a different light. I get to see the growth of the characters.
I don’t care about publication date, I focus more on actual story timeline. Therefore I would read book 2 first. Haven’t read any books in this series but have read GLW all over again as each new story is released. I was so happy with TJs HEA, that boy deserved it! And I’m loving the Coleman brothers (need the rest, please).
Hey Vivian,
I personally like prequels. Some of the best stories/movies ever written were prequels (The Godfather 2, Indian Jones and the Temple of Doom). I mean think about it some prequels actually surprass the originals.
I have not read Turn It On, I’m still on the Granite Lake Series. Can’t wait to read TJ’s story. :o) But I think I would read them in the order they were published. I kind of like going back and saying ‘Oh, so that’s how it happened.’
I love to read series book and would rather read them in order from the start of he story to the end. I find myself not enjoying a book as much if I know what happens after it. If I read a book and then find out it is part of a series I will stop reading it, put it on my shelf, and then after I have read the books before it I will pick it up again and finish it. If by chance I finish the book before finding out there is a book(s) before it, like if a prequel is written after the book is published, I will just go back and read it and then sometimes re-read the book I already read. Make sense???
Oh btw…I just wanted to put another couple cents in…I get really frustrated when authors don’t link their books on their websites 🙁 I am especially happy when the book itself says “such and such series, book #” That just makes it really easy to figure out what to read and when 🙂
Congrats on the release!!! I am really excited to read this series. I am gonna read book 2 first sense it is the prequel 🙂
I love prequels! Turn it Up will only give me an excuse to re-read Turn it On 🙂
Hmm I think I’m one of those that would prefer to read in order so would be wanting to read Turn it Up first. Agree though if you clearly show it on your website will be a help.
Just read Turn It On, and thought it was fantastic. I am not a series purist, personally. I tend to be able to jump into a world, even if I read out of order. In fact, I’ll sometimes buy a book that I maybe borrowed or checked out of the library, just to be able to re-read, if a prequel or a simultaneously-occurring-storyline book comes out.
Congrats on the upcoming release!
Hmm… I love prequels, sequels, epilogues… hey, I just love more connected stories 😉 As for reading order, I’m not sure–I guess I’d prefer to read in the order that the story unfolds. If they’re simultaneous, then I’d prefer to start with whichever the author wrote first and go from there…
I usually read books in release order though sometimes not. I just want the books chronology to be acknowledged somewhere on the site so I can figure it out. Since I have kept up with your books I have already read book one so will read the prequel second.
I would read them in chronological order of their timeline. Have one series that Books 1-4 by release date are actually totally mixed up. The fourth book released is actually book one chronologically, and the second one released is book 2, while the first and third releases are books 3 & 4 in the timeline. Gets confusing unless you write it all down.
Haven’t read Turn it On yet as by the time I knew about it I also knew that Turn it Up was on it’s way so I waited so that I could read them together.
I already won an ARC so don’t enter me 🙂 BTW it was great! I loved it and I can’t wait to read more from you!! I love the conflict and fighting building up to the loving and the romance and all of that good stuff 🙂
I prefer to read books in the order the author tells me. If I know there is more than one book in a series I will go to the authors page and look at the order they say is best to read them in. That being said I don’t mind a prequal being the second in the series. When I was reading the first one I didn’t know there were even plans for the next one so I didn’t feel cheated or anything. I do think it’s best when that is explained on the website though. 🙂 I am reading another series by an author, she plans on having 10 books in the series. They are written out of order as well. SHe says she has done this on purpose so you see the way things are now via how they were back then. I suppose I understand but I’m glad she posted that cause I was confussed at one point lol 🙂
I have read #2 first. I do like conntected books and often read out of sequence, usually not intentionally. Doesn’t usually bother me. But I would probably recommend the prequel be read first.