Vivian ArendVivian ArendVivian ArendVivian Arend

Thursday Things

Road to Publication

This past week I got to play in the wonderful world of submissions.

Every publisher seems to have their own little twists when it comes to what they want from writers. Submit the first three chapters seems to be a more standard request, but within that they want any or all of the following:

-each new point of view (POV) shown by using * or each new POV shown by using an extra space between paragraphs

-each new scene shown by ** or *** or ****

-synopsis of the story in 2-5 pages or a simple synopsis which I think I figured out to be less than a page

-a blurb (like the back of a book write up)

-writer info like name etc on the first page of the synopsis or on the first page of the three chapters or on the header, unless they don't want a header or footer or page numbers.

-everyone seemed to want a page break at the end of each chapter. Yeah! No changes there!

So once I finish a story and edit it and clean it up and make it pretty I go back and for each publisher I want to sent something off to I work through THEIR checklist. .rtf? .doc?

Grin. They're the boss, so I jump the hoops.

This week I got back a request for a full for one of the partials that I submitted. And that's a good thing!

Little bit boring in the information this week but in a way fascinating. Every step I take makes me smile, especially as I figure out where in the world I stored the latest copy of whatever I just edited and saved in a new format!

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Categories: Writing

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Jess Dee
Jess Dee
16 years ago

Good luck with your submission!
Keep us posted.
IS it a long wait?


Viv Arend
Viv Arend
16 years ago

Long wait?

One publisher noted it could take up to 12 months to receive a response. Gag!!

Average was 4-6 weeks. So I guess I should just keep submitting things on a constant basis.

That way I can be on pins and needles all the time!!

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