It's inevitable. You know this time of year is full of the ‘Best of…' lists, and that sort of thing. There's something about the new year that makes us want to reminise and plan for the future. So I'm hopping in as well. Duck for cover if you need to, today is the year in review.
Turn It On
Claiming Derryn
Wolf Games
Rocky Mountain Haven
The Wind and the Sun
Fired Up
Under the Northern Lights-print
Wolf Tracks
Falling, Freestyle
Tangled Tinsel
Turn It Up-print

Oh my–when did that happen? 😀 in 2009 I had 5 ebook releases, so this year with 13 ebooks and 2 print–not bad!
I'm slowing down in 2011, really. No, really. 😉
What else? Well, that list is sheer productivity on my part. This one is very cool because it's not me, but you. I heard from The Romance Studio that two of my books have been nominated for a CAPA award- Claiming Derryn in the Erotic Fantasy category, and Falling,Freestyle in the Psyche category. And I was nominated in the favorite author category. See that bright light shining from Arizona? That's me grinning!
Favorite author category
Vivian Arend
Sally Clements
Nora Roberts
Lori Foster
Shelly Laurenston
Christine Feehan
Carolyn Brown
Tanya Hanson
Marisa Chenery
Christina Dodd
Julie James
Philippa Gregory
Josh Lanyon
J.D. Robb
Ashlyn Chase
Meg Hennessy
Charlie Cochrane
Joey W. Hill
Jim Butcher
Thank you for your support and love this past year! I really get a thrill out of being on a list with names like these!
Back in a couple days with a look sideways 😉
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Congrats on the nominations!!! 😀
That’s one spectacular year, Viv! Thanks for sharing it with us! And looking forward to an even grander year to come 😉