Vivian ArendVivian ArendVivian ArendVivian Arend

Life, the universe, and everything

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As I spend more time in the writing world I become aware that there is a series of peaks and valleys that assault me from every side. Most, not of my own making!! Here's the Highs and Lows for this past weekend.

Good news:
Tentative release date for Tidal Wave, with Samhain Publishing, July 21, 2009. The art request form is already in and the work begun on the blurb, the tagline etc. I finished doing edits for the manuscript so when my editor wants it to start the next step it's ready. I had small things to fix and got them all done today.

Not so good news:
Had one of my stories declined by a publisher.

Good news:
I have another place that I'd be interested in seeing this published, so I'll send it off tomorrow. It's also with another publisher in the dreaded ‘slush' pile, so the journey is still young for The Wind and the Sun. Another part of the good news is that it's not getting turned down because the writing isn't strong or the story unploished. It's a story with a twist and that could make it harder to find a home. As an author all I can do is write the best story possible yet not everyone will like it. So I move on…

Bad news:
Rocky Mountain Heat was not bought by Liquid Silver

Good news:
Rocky Mountain Heat was not bought by Liquid Silver…yet. Grin. I was given some excellent feedback to strengthen the story and have been offered the opportunity to directly resubmit the manuscript once the changes are done. This is a story that I've got a lot of emotional attachment to, so it's wonderful to know that I'll get the chance to make it stronger.

Bad news:
I only have two things out in submission right now… what a strange feeling. **wink**

Good news:
I've got another story ready to submit tomorrow. Soul Deep is headed to Cobblestone.

And then I run out bad news and have to list good things. Got a wonderful email from someone who spotted my name on the list of authors attending Lori Foster's reader/writers gathering in June. Got some great feedback on Sweet Mischief. Had a great conversation with my critique partners about writing in general. Set up a page at Moria Rogers forum to prepare for a big authors/readers party on February 20…

Got 4 cushions re-covered for my sofa. I am ‘Jack of all Trades', remember?

This week I'll be adding to Gingersnaps, sending off a few stories, and continuing to enjoy the adventure that writing has become.

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Jess Dee
Jess Dee
16 years ago

Dang, so much is happening.
I’m sorry about the big R, but so excited about the request for rewrites.
Do it woman. Sit down, make that story better, and knock their socks off. YOU CAN DO IT!
Oh, and keep us posted about Cobblestone!


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