And now that Footloose music going through your brain, if any of you want to help me find picture inspiration for my hero and heroine for the upcoming Berkley book, join the fun!
Book one, HIGH RISK, (if the title stays the same) reunites one time lovers after seven years.
Marcus is in his late 30's. I picture him with dark hair, but I could be swayed otherwise. Physically fit–he and Becki are both excellent climbers.
Rebecca/Becki is 29. Slight, but strong. Again with the climbing muscles, so long and lean. She has at least shoulder length hair.
Anyone have any suggestions? I think you can add links in the comments. Um, keep them PG-13 if you can. (Email me the other ones 😉
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Call me old fashioned, but I’ve always thought he‘s the perfect template for…well, pretty much any hero.
Sending you someone via email-he is even bringing his own rope