Okay folks, I did it! Handed in Turn It Up to my editor at Samhain today. WHEEEEEEE!! Edits are completed on the Carina Christmas story as well (although it doesn't have a title right now 😉 ) and I'm HAPPY!!!!
Dance with me?
Just for the record? I wrote over 100K this summer. I'm pleased with how both stories turned out, and quite amused that they are completely different than each other–one sheer absurb fun, the other a bit more of a tearjerker at times, but still with some funny moments…because life can be innately funny.
I think I'm getting the swing of this writing thing. 😉
Next? I'm writing NEW stuff. Started work on the rock climbing menage Rising, Freestyle, and there's the oh-so-fun-and-sexy water shifters to do, Stormy Seduction and Silent Storm.
AND…Black Gold. I think I found Shaun's story for the new Granite Lake series. WHEEEEE!!
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Congrats, I am very happy for you!!! 😀 😀 😀
Thank you, Colleen. I’ve enjoyed my day of celebrating, and am raring to go on the next thing now!
Ya think? *chuckle*
(Indeedy, I think you have)
**Giggle** Umm, yeah, well, I’m constantly surprised by the whole gig, so thank you!