Vivian ArendVivian ArendVivian ArendVivian Arend

12 Days of Giving #9

It’s Friday, there are four more shopping days until Christmas, and if it’s not bought, wrapped and shipped already, it’s probably not getting to where it’s going on time. You have a houseful of people descending in a few days and the house needs to be scrubbed from top to bottom still. Panic setting in?

Give up trying to make things perfect.

Yeah, this is a bit of a revisit to the ‘Give yourself a break’ idea, but really. Think it through. The people who are coming to see you are coming to see you, (and your kids ;) ) and if the house is clean, but not picture perfect, are they really going to mind? Now be honest–some of us have people coming over who we could scrub for three weeks in prep for their arrival, and these peeps would still find something to complain about, re-organize or clean to a better standard.

:head desk:

So what’s the solution? Try even harder to meet a standard that you can never achieve, or take a look around and make sure your house, your menu and yourself are the way you want them?

I suppose the flip side of this challenge is to make sure our expectations of others are reasonable. Our partners can’t know the perfect gift for us if we don’t tell them. Our families don’t know how to help if we don’t ask. The whole mind-reading thing works great in stories, but not so much in real life!

If there’s one thing that would really make this season special for you, have you told anyone, or made sure you’ve arranged for it to happen? Because that’s a far more achievable perfect than meeting everyone else’s expectations.

Today’s gift to you is a your choice of one of my print books, signed if possible, or any two of my backlist ebooks. Leave a comment telling me the one place you’d go for the holidays if you could (and which book/books you’d pick  if you win.) I’ll give out gifts to two commenters

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Lisa Guertin
Lisa Guertin
12 years ago

I don’t really care where I’m at for the holiday as long as my family is with me.

Lisa Guertin
Lisa Guertin
12 years ago

‘Forgot to say what book I would like. That would be the second Wolfie book in print. Thanksy!

12 years ago

I would love to spend the holidays, with my family, in Scotland. Say late 1800s to early 1900s.

I am not picky regarding the book, or ebooks. The wolf series look good, so the first book in either Granite Lake or Takhini series, if actual book, or if ebook the first 2 in either series, or the first one in both (sorry, can you tell I have not had my gallon of coffee yet).

Jenn H
Jenn H
12 years ago

Considering we we dumped on with snow last night, I have to say that visiting my friends in Melbourne would be pretty awesome right now!!
As for book choice… definitely Rocky Mountain Haven.Sigh. I have farmers, but sadly no cowboys in my life.
Happy Holidays 🙂

denise bush kyle
denise bush kyle
12 years ago

I really have no special place to go .. plus i could never really pick a book anyone one of them would be special just to have ..

Sarah M.
Sarah M.
12 years ago

I would love to spend the holidays in a warmer climate – Florida would work! Hmmm… I haven’t read Turner Twins or Xtreme Adventures, so I’d take any of those! :0)

Melanie J
Melanie J
12 years ago

If I could choose a place to go for the holidays, it would be London, England. I went there 2 years ago around this time and it was beautiful! I’d love to go back.

My 2 books would be: Rocky Mountain Heat and Rocky Mountain Haven in epub!

Great giveaway!

12 years ago

I’d love to make the trip to Virginia to see my dad for the holidays, but its not going to happen this year. I know he’d love to spend Christmas with his granddaughters for a change.

I have not read the Xtreme adventures books yet.

Nancy Gilliland
Nancy Gilliland
12 years ago

I just want to spend the holidays with family, quietly, and without anyone being disappointed in the day. If all the adults can just get along for one day, I will consider the day a success. And I am not expecting much this year as things have been beyond tight.

I would love a signed copy of the first Wolfies print book Under the Northern Lights

Colleen C.
Colleen C.
12 years ago

Where would I like to spend the holidays… at some nice mountain retreat with a snow on the ground and a beautiful fireplace!

My book choice would be a print copy of Under the Midnight Sun.

12 years ago

I would want to go to Australia or Hawaii. I would love to have ecopies of Rocky Mountain Angel and Silver Mine. 🙂

Lisa B
Lisa B
12 years ago

I’m in Michigan and it’s snowing and icy and windy out so some place warm for the holidays would be nice. I work as a rural carrier for the USPS so i have the next 3 months of this weather to work in so yeah some sun would be nice.

Books? High Risk or Turn it on looking at your printable list.

Tomorrow is my Family Christmas party so shopping for that part is done and i think i am done done too. Bought my stocking stuffers today too.

Lisa B

Sullivan McPig
Sullivan McPig
12 years ago

Just here at home is fine by me, although a Christmas in Paris sounds cool as well.

And I’d pick one of the wolfie books in print.

12 years ago

I’ve given up years ago on trying to make everything perfect. The family just comes over and makes a mess of things anyways.I just enjoy the day and the company.

12 years ago

Good attitude, Elaing8! As for us, I don’t try to make things perfect, but we do need to clean up enough so there are surfaces for people to sit on 😉 I’m with others who say that anywhere is OK, as long as we’re with family and friends 🙂

As for what I’d like–I’d like either to start the Six Pack Ranch or the Takhini Wolves in print. (Have them electronically… and I need my Granite Lake Wolves signed :))

12 years ago

I wish I could take my wife back to her childhood home to see it again.

12 years ago

Doesnt matter where i am just that my family is with me..
Rocky Mountain Angel and Adrenaline.

12 years ago

I’d go to my mom’s house. I haven’t seen her since summer and that was only for one day. Since we moved it’s harder to get with family over the holidays. This year we won’t even have my stepson so it’s just the 3 of us. So my boring answer is I’d go to Arkansas-never thought I’d say that lol!

I’d want any of your books in print. I don’t have any of them yet and I really need to add your siggy to my signed bookshelf!!! 🙂


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