Vivian ArendVivian ArendVivian ArendVivian Arend

12 Days of Giving #8

I promise I’m not going to make too many of these challenges cost $$, but this one might.

Give a kid a gift.

If you have a local charity, you know right now is the time they are really looking for help. Angel Trees, or whatever the organization is called in your location, have the kids names and information already waiting. These are kids who won’t get a present if someone else doesn’t pick their request up. (And the older ones, while not as fun to buy for, need loving too)

But you know what? There’s also another way you can join this challenge, and it’s no cost and sneaky organization efficient, while also teaching your own kids a lesson in giving. If you’ve got a family, and there will be new ‘stuff’ coming into your house in the next couple weeks, what if you grabbed a box, and had a few ‘old’ toys (kids or otherwise) get passed onto a thrift shop?

It will make more room in the toybox (electronic/computer/kitchen shelf) and the proceeds from good thrift shops turn around by not only providing an inexpensive place to purchase things, but often the profits stay in your community.


Just a fun little thing this time to give away- a set of inflatable ‘Noisy Sticks' like you use to bang together at sporting events. Or, alternatively, you give them to your niece or nephew so they can drive your siblings craaaaaazy with the noise. Not that I'd ever do that… 😉 These are collectors versions from the Canada Games Center in Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada. (As mentioned in Wolf Games and in Black Gold)

Also, there's a set of Granite Lake Romance Trading cards in the bag and an exclusive 2012 ‘Pack Member dog tag' in purple. These are the limited editions ones…;)

Remember, you don’t have to DO the challenge if you can’t, this is just to make us think, right? If you’d like to have your name added for this gift, make a comment about anything holidayish.

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Categories: Rambles

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Nancy Gilliland
Nancy Gilliland
13 years ago

I came into a small bit of extra cash this year *cough very small* but I did buy six boxes of crayons (the big boxes) and twelve coloring books and donated them to the local preschool/daycare. The kids love to color, and things like that are low on the ‘required’ supply list at this particular place. they are more in need of food and personnel, so this was something I could gladly do. *oooh, did you say ‘dog tags?” I’d love them.

13 years ago

The playschools in one area we lived used to post in the newspaper what supplies they were low on. Nice to be able to help a little, sad to see what were considered ‘extras’.

13 years ago

Every year, we buy a little bit for the kids at Christmas… find some toys on sale and keep them in a bag until the holidays roll around and give them to the town’s holiday toy collection…

13 years ago
Reply to  Colleen

I love picking up things ahead of time as well. One storage box is all it takes!

Maria Esquivel
Maria Esquivel
13 years ago

This year at our son’s school we gave them stuff bears for the children to have when the local police department makes house calls in the night. But every year we clear way all the used books as well as toys to the charities.

13 years ago
Reply to  Maria Esquivel

Oooh, those bears! What a great idea.

Sullivan McPig
Sullivan McPig
13 years ago

I have one Christmas tradition and that’s watching The Sound of Music. As long as I can remember that movie is shown on tv around Christmas over here and as a kid I often saw it as my parents liked to watch it. I now own the movie on DVD myself and watch it every year.

13 years ago
Reply to  Sullivan McPig

We watch the sound of music as well! Every. Year. And now? we sing along.

13 years ago

My niece signed us both up for a gift giving program this year.I believe it was through the Salvation Army (I think) 🙂
We got little cards telling us what gender and age range to get for a toy.So we went to Walmart picked out the toys,and left it under the tree they had set up in the store.

13 years ago
Reply to  elaing8

It’s so nice when there’s a local organization who can get details to make the gifts specific. Yeah!

Jen B.
Jen B.
13 years ago

This post is perfect timing! I am dropping off board games at my daughter’s school tomorrow. A few are part of a teacher gift but there is a whole box of used games from our collection that I just couldn’t throw out if one of the teachers could use them!

13 years ago
Reply to  Jen B.

Seriously! Games we don’t play any more–it’s not like they expired, right? Just that we’re past the Candyland stage. (thank you lord, that we’re past the candyland stage!)

13 years ago

I try to look at the local Children’s hospital this time of year and see what their needs are. SOmetimes I am able to help with the little things like crayons and paper.


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