Vivian ArendVivian ArendVivian ArendVivian Arend

12 Days of Giving #11

Almost to the end of the challenges, but I've enjoyed coming up with these. It's helped make me remember to do more than shop like a crazy lady. 🙂

Give a whole lot of Thanks.

When my kids were young and we were living in a rather remote location, I found a homeschooling community online. It was wonderful to have ‘adult' conversation during the day, even though it was all written communication. The funniest thing though–I remember a lot of the ladies mentioning taking from Thanksgiving to Christmas off from formal schooling with their littlest children since the kids got lots of informal school writing Christmas cards, doing math during baking, etc.

I thought this was the most extraordinary thing. Take off from mid-october to Dec 25? Crazy! Then I realized they were taking about US Thanksgiving to December 25, which isn't as insane as it sounds.


So I'm going to challenge you today to make a Thankful List. Fifteen things in Fifteen minutes or less. What are you thankful about this year? From the BIG picture down to the littler things. because it's tough to be stressed over what's happening in our lives while we're being thankful for what's happening in our lives.

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Categories: Rambles

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Lisa J
Lisa J
14 years ago

15 things I am Thankful for:

1. My Parents – Both are still happy and they are the best.
2. Brothers/Sister/Nephews/Niece – Alwsys there when I need them
3. My Pups – They are there for me everyday
4. My Job – My company laid off a third of the staff. I’m lucky to still have a job.
5. My Health – Like my family (knock on wood) I have been healthy this year.
6. Friends – I have great and supportive friends in my life
7. Home – I’m lucky to still have a house/home in this economy
8. Food – Lord, I love to eat
9. My Computer – It keeps me connected to the world
10. My Sony E-reader – I love walking around with a library in my purse!
11. Great Co-workers – The people still here are a great group of people.
12. New Stove – Yesterday, my new stove was delivered and it’s beautiful.
13. 401K – My 401K is making a comeback – still not at pre market crash levels, but it’s better.
14. Chiming Clock – My new chiming clock is awesome.
15. Blogs like this!

Leagh C
Leagh C
14 years ago

15 things I am thankful for:

1. My family – I don’t know what I would do if I didn’t have them
2. My home – just the simple fact that we have a roof over our heads that we can call home when so many people don’t
3. Financial stability – we may not be rich but we have what we need
4. My 2 daughters being healthy
5. My job – there are so many people w/o them that I am thankful everyday that I can go to work and provide for my family
6. My husband – He works so hard to give us everything we need that he tends to forget about himself. He is so very unselfish and I love him to pieces for that.
7. My sisters – They are my BEST friends. I couldn’t ask for better sisters 🙂
8. My book buddy, aka: sister-in-law. Without her I wouldn’t know of all these amazing authors that I read every day.
9. My animals – I have 2 very loyal dogs and a cat that loves to snuggle. They are always there for me no matter what mood I am in or what is going on. I am thankful for their love and companionship.
10. My mom – she is just an amazing women and I don’t know what I would do without her
11. My in-laws – some people have the dreaded in-laws, I don’t, mine are amazing and are like a second set of parents for me
12. My computer – haha, without it I couldn’t keep up with the world of reading.
13. Facebook – I love staying in touch with distant family and friends.
14. Blogs like this – they are sooo much fun!!!
15. Today – I am thankful for each and every day I get to wake up and live!!!!

Happy Holidays to you and yours :0)

14 years ago

Only 15, Viv? 😉
1. DH–he’s amazing, and a keeper 🙂
2. kids, who are mostly fantastic, and will be more so once they learn to appreciate each other!
3. my TBR, which is probably more than I can read in a year…
4. a warm home, which is especially a gift this time of year
5. supportive and loving parents
6. wonderful friends, including a dear sister (my kids marvel that my sister can also be my friend–I tell them they’ll understand some day!)
7. being able to play the piano–yes, my parents were right…
8. having an abundance of material things–what a gift to have so much that we can share!
9. having easy computer access–what a gift to be able to stay in touch so easily!
10. having a full fridge and pantry
11. relatively mild weather 🙂
12. working cars
13. freedom to worship and celebrate as we desire
14. fantastic authors, and easy access to them (yes, Viv, this means you :D)
15. good health–thank you, God!

Thanks for the chance to reflect on our blessings, Vivian! Hoping your days are full of loving and joyful preparation for your celebrating 🙂

14 years ago

15- my mom- she always there for me not matter what n she just made it through cancer surgery! Yeah mom !
14- my hubby- for loving me for 21 years, since I was 15 n he was 20 most young love never lasts, ours has flourished.
13- my family – for keeping me on my toes and always making it interesting
12- my friends – Never letting me down always there for me and making life an adventure
11- my home – even after loosing job I still have my home – thanks hubby
10- my kindle! – what would I do without my Bestie, I love my kindle! Never leave home without it – forget American express I need my kindle 🙂
9- hubby’s job- thankful he is safe and that even with all the pay cuts he is able to take care of us.
8- my animals – they don’t do much but eat, sleep, n poop but I love em dearly 2- fat cats.
7- hubby again – not many men would say honey don’t go back to work stay home n relax n read n take care of your mom n gma, let me take care of us -love you baby
6- my sister/s- thankful I found my adopted sister after 30 years and that we have become best friends, also thankful for my other sisters all 4 of them even though they drive me bonkers sometimes.
5- my step dad -thanks for being there for me and accepting me for who I am and wanting to be a part of my life.
4- health – all my family n friends are healthy or are in process of becoming healthier.
3- finance/car/computer/ iPad – lucky to have these
2- facebook/ blogging – staying in touch with family and meeting new friends in the blogging community
1- love- from everyone and for everyone! Safety – thankful for all our soldiers, police, firemen/women, and all the others that protect us.
This was a great idea makes you think bout things.

14 years ago

Thankful for:
1. My family
2. My little nephew… the light of my life
3. My wonderful pets
4. Books
5. My local library
6. My friends
7. My computer
8. My home
9. Smiles
10. Time spent with my family
11. The little extras in life
12. My health
13. The wonderful authors that create such wonderful books!
14. My DS & Wii
15. Music for whatever mood I am in!

Karin T
Karin T
14 years ago

Definitely a great thing to focus on while things are getting crazier. Here are my 15:
1. My family
2. My friends
3. My job
4. Having such a great boss who lets me adjust hours and leave at a moment’s notice if I need to.
5. Being able to spend time with all of my nieces and nephews on a regular basis – and have them enjoy it.
6. Being able to play volleyball as much as I do
7. Being able to travel to all the places I’ve traveled this year
8. The internet because it helps me stay connected to friends and family who live out-of-state and out of the country
9. Good food
10. Living in Colorado – even with all the lovely places I’ve traveled, nowhere compares to Colorado for me and I always look forward to coming home
11. Books – they always give me somewhere to go even when I can’t physically go anywhere
12. Music – listening and playing
13. All the teachers I’ve had in school – without them I wouldn’t have such a love for learning
14. Snow
15. My faith

Jen B.
Jen B.
14 years ago

1. God
2. Being here
3. My Family being here
4. Being healthy (mostly)
5. My friends
6. Time for myself
7. Time with my kids
8. Being able to give to others
9. Books
10. Books groups
11. Great food (that maybe should be higher on the list!)
12. My dog
13. My music
14. Movie and TV
15. Anything that can make me smile!

Boy, that was hard!

Nancy Gilliland
Nancy Gilliland
14 years ago

1. My children (all grown and reasonably independent)
2. My grandchildren (all healthy and strong boys)
2. My job-in this economy, I’m happy to have it
4. My apartment-it isn’t much, but it is warm and safe
5. My friends-they try to look out for me and help things go smoothly
6. My online friends who understand when I rant or disappear for a while.
7. My writing-that I actually made it through NaNo this year-edits coming.
8. My review career-this saved my sanity at times when I really needed the distraction
9. Books-reading makes me very happy
10. The wwweb for connecting me to friends I would otherwise never meet
11. My health-at my age being able to still get up every day and go to work and function is great
12. I am thankful that my mom is no longer suffering the pain from her cancer, but has gone to a better place, joining my dad.
13. Celtic Thunder-their music takes me to a better place and gives me a new sense of hope.
14. All the wonderful authors who write marvelous books that fire my imagination and calm my frazzled nerves after a long week of work
15. Most of all, I am thankful to God for his grace and love

Kelly Thrash
Kelly Thrash
14 years ago

1-my sweet baby boy-sometimes he drives me nuts but I love him more than life itself!!
2-my hubby also drives me nuts but usually makes up for it! 🙂
3-my pets I love my kitty cat the dog eats everything including things that aren’t food.
4-Ive-I met her on the reader groups and she is my best friend!!!
5-my Kindle-enough said
6-my job
7-my car
8-my home
9-my Mom and Dad
10-the internet
11-that I can put food on the table
12-that my hubby makes most of the dinner! 🙂 lol
13-my families health
14-the Smutketeers get a special shout out 🙂
15-last but never least!!! all of the authors that I read. I love that most are so generous and take the time to speak with us so often!! 🙂

kittykelly28 @

Cheryl McInnis
Cheryl McInnis
14 years ago

Wow, I had to stop and think for a moment, but that made me realize how lucky I am.
Okay, I’m grateful for my health, my family, my friends, my dog, my job, books, free healthcare, wine, good food, cable TV, comedians, online shopping, my dishwasher, 100% dental coverage through my husband’s job, and last but not least, my wonderful husband !

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